Creating New Datasets

You can define a New Dataset by clicking on the Create Dataset button in the Dataset page.

It will bring up the dialog box below. Select the format of the file for which the new Dataset is being created.


Entering Field Details

Below are the details of the fields in the Create Dataset page:

  • NAME : Name of the New Dataset we are creating.
  • DESCRIPTION : Description of the New Dataset.
  • HAS HEADER ROW : This is used for CSV/TSV files. It indicates whether the dataset has a header row specifying the name of the columns or not.
  • DELIMITER : Delimiter field is also used for CSV/TSV files. It indicates the delimiter to be used between the fields in the data.
  • PATH : It defines the location of the file or directory containing the data files for the Dataset. It can either point to a single file, or to a directory containing a set of files. All the files have to have the same schema.

Updating the Schema of the Dataset

You can update the Schema of the Dataset by clicking on Update Sample Data/Schema. It would display sample data for the dataset followed by the Schema inferred by Fire Insights.

In this example, the data file did not have a header row. So Fire gave it standard column names of C0, C1 etc.

You can update the column names in the schema based on your data.


Saving the New Dataset

Click on the Save button to save the New Dataset created.